Tuesday 12 August 2014

Updates to salonrouge.ca

Salon Rouge Ottawa Hair Salon

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Ottawa Hair Salon | Okay, so this one isn't directly hair related... but we're extremely excited about this! Our Website has gone through a major face lift to better accommodate our clients! First, we found a layout that we think is a lot more user friendly, which makes your experience that much better. We're also adding more galleries and fun photos to liven up our pages! But our new crowning glory is our new LiveChat! Check it our at www.salonrouge.ca and let us know what you think! Just like over the phone, you can ask us questions, book appointments, or even to give us feedback! So what are you waiting for, go to our site and check out all the great new features! Salonrouge.ca is now your one stop shop for the best hair in Ottawa!

Salon Rouge Ottawa Hair Salon
Downtown Ottawa Hair Salons
Ottawa Hair Salons
222 Dalhousie Street 
Ottawa ON. K1N7C8
Website: www.SalonRouge.ca
Google: Google Places
Twitter: @Salon_Rouge_

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