Thursday 5 June 2014

De-Frizz your Summer!

Salon Rouge Ottawa Hair Salon

Hairstylist Ottawa | Ottawa Salon | Ottawa Hair Salon

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Ottawa Hair Salon | Summers in Ottawa can get extremely humid. With that humidity comes every girls worst enemy... Frizz! We here at Salon Rouge are all for making life as easy as possible while keeping you beautiful! Our Keratin Treatment will maintain your beautiful locks Frizz-Free for up to 6 months! (We know...hard to believe, but ladies and gents...its true!)
Come into Salon Rouge, or contact us to book an appointment to learn more about this amazing treatment, and how it can be yours!

Salon Rouge Ottawa Hair Salon
Downtown Ottawa Hair Salons
Ottawa Hair Salons
222 Dalhousie Street 
Ottawa ON. K1N7C8
Google: Google Places
Twitter: @Salon_Rouge_

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