Tuesday 22 April 2014

April Showers, Bring May Flowers!

Salon Rouge Ottawa Hair Salon

Beauty Salons Ottawa | Ottawa Hair Salon | Ottawa Salons

Downtown Ottawa Salons |  

Hair Salons Ottawa | Although it's supposed to rain almost everyday until May and no one likes the rain, it can only mean good things! The snow is gone and summer must be coming! It's about time after that long never ending winter! It's also time to come into Salon Rouge and get a fresh new look for summer, before it gets here! Come get a new colour and style and look summer time fresh!


Salon Rouge Ottawa Hair Salon
Downtown Ottawa Hair Salons
Ottawa Hair Salons
222 Dalhousie Street 
Ottawa ON. K1N7C8
Website: www.SalonRouge.ca
Google: Google Places
Twitter: @Salon_Rouge_

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